Thursday, July 28, 2016


Vocabulary 1

1. abstract: little to no attempt is made to make images look realistic

2. background: the part of the picture that is farther than the main focus

3. content: ideas, feelings, or messages that are shown in a work of art

4. contrast: the difference between 2 or more elements in a work of art 

5. elements of art: the main components to make a work of art: line, colour, shape/form, texture, value, and space

6. hue: a colour

7. intensity: the brightness of a colour

8. line: a point that moves in space

9. middle ground: the are between the foreground and the background of a 2-D work of art

10. monochromatic: a colour scheme that has only one hue

Photo Essay

This picture is from the Blink-182 concert on July 22, 2016, and was taken on my phone. I like this picture because the blue and orange really complement each other. It is not visible from this picture, but the whole stadium was full because the show was sold out. There is also contrast between the bright lights and the dark stadium. You can also see some of the crowd because it is lit up by the orange light beams.